Abstract Submission
Deadline on May 5, 2025 at 23:59 CEST.
Guidelines for Online-Abstract Submission
Please read the instructions carefully before accessing the submission site.
It is mandatory to conform to this structure of the abstract:
- Background
- Method
- Results
- Conclusion
With the submission of an abstract to EHMSG 2025, the first author (presenting author):
Accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract.
Confirms that all authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract and support the data presented.
States that, for studies involving human or animal subjects, permission has been obtained from the relevant regulatory authority and properly informed consent given where appropriate.
Agrees that original abstracts must be submitted exclusively to the Journal, and are accepted on the understanding that they have not been, or are under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The submission process requires a full declaration of personal interests of all Authors and funding interests; these details should also be included in the text of the manuscript.
For more - general - guidelines of the journal, please also see: https://www.microbiotajournal.com/instructions-for-the-authors
In order to be considered, an abstract should respect the following guidelines:
1. Abstract Format
Submissions as oral or poster presentations will be possible.
Only abstracts submitted online can be accepted. Abstracts submitted on paper or by e-mail attachment will not be considered.
The abstract must be submitted in good English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject those abstracts, which are presented in poor English, or may request an immediate revision by the presenter.
Abstract titles should be brief and should reflect the content of the abstract.
Commercial names may not be used in the abstract title.
No more than 20 authors and cities can be listed. Only institutional affiliations, cities and countries should follow. DO NOT write authors family names and cities in capital letters, institutions only where absolutely necessary. Please check also with co-authors on the preferred use, or not, of accents and diacritical marks in the spelling of the author names.
It is mandatory to conform to this structure of the abstract:
- Background
- Method
- Results
- Conclusion -
The text cannot exceed 250 words, excluding title and authors.
A maximum of three institutions per author is allowed.
Tables may be included, however a 25 word penalty will be added to the word count.
Abbreviations may be used if standard or if spelled out and defined at the first use. Compounds should be mentioned with the generic name, in lower cases. Commercial names are admitted in the text, with an ®, and if in brackets following the generic name, i.e. “generic (Commercial ®)”.
Supplementary data or appendices will not be accepted.
Figures or photographs are not allowed. Symbols and structures of drugs are allowed and should be drawn in black.
2. Before you get started...
Type your abstract in a common Word Processor (e.g. MS Word). Please save a copy of the file with the abstract text only (no title or authors). We strongly recommend to make a print-out of the abstract in Word to carefully check before the abstract is submitted online, in particular the punctuation, eg missing, or redundant spaces and the line breaks. This file can then be used for a "file upload" (most convenient way of submission). The upload feature supports and converts tables within the document. Special characters are widely supported. Please copy and paste your content, using the "Enter Abstract Text" - button.
3. When entering the site...
First Time Users:
1. When entering the portal of the submission page, hit "Create a new account.". Note: Since EHMSG is using a new platform this year, it is obligatory to create a new account for all submitters and step 2 does not apply.
2. In case you have submitted an abstract at a previous meeting using OASIS, your login data are still valid. In this case, please login with your login and password in the center of the page ("returning users"). In case you cannot retrieve your access data, please use the "Forgot password" option.
3. In the welcome area, locate "Abstract" and click on "+ New". Follow the step by step instructions for submission.
4. Eventually, you will see a summary of your submission in the last step ("Review my work"), which you may print. Your abstract should now be shown as complete in the portal area.
Returning users, continuing an aborted submission or editing an abstract already submitted:
1. Log in with the username and password that you received when creating the account.
2. Locate the abstract in "Abstracts" and click on the displayed abstract title to make changes or complete the abstract.
3. Continue your submission or click on the desired menu item on the left side of the page.
4. Changes can be made until the submission deadline.
Returning users, submitting another abstract:
1. Log in with the username and password that you received when creating the account.
2. Locate "Abstract" and click on "+ New".
3. Carefully follow the step-by-step instructions.
General Information on Abstract Submission and FAQ
Browser Issues
For optimum results when using the Online Submission System, it is recommended that you use Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher for Windows. For Macintosh users we recommend Safari 3.0 or higher for Mac OS 10.4. or higher.
Submission is perfectly possible with other browsers as well, but some advanced functions are possible only with the above.
Please note that you must also have JavaScript and Cookies enabled in your browser preferences in order for the system to function properly. Instructions to enable cookies are given on the login page. A list of compatible browsers is given on the login page.
Account management - Personal Information - Password
Please create only one account per submitting author. The system stores your information. If you choose to submit more than one abstract you will not need to create another account. See "Returning users".
After you created the account, the system will display a password and username that will allow you to return and edit, delete or withdraw your abstract at a later stage.
Personal information can be edited if necessary by clicking on "Profile" (e.g. in case of an address change).
Attention: All correspondence regarding the acceptance of your abstract will be emailed to the email-address given by you in the "author section". Thus if the given email address is mistyped, wrong or the mailbox is full or out of order, and the confirmation email does not reach you in time, you may miss important deadlines (e.g. reduced registration fee). Please provide a working email address.
Corrections - Withdrawal
The title of your abstract is displayed in the Welcome Area, together with the information on whether the submission is complete or incomplete. To edit the abstract, simply click on the title step.
Changes and editing can be made until the deadline of May 5, 2025, 23.59 hrs CEST. In case of a mistake during the submission, it is not necessary to submit a "new abstract". Click on the step to be amended and make the correction.
Aborted submissions can be picked up and completed at a later stage. Authors are able to login and to select the incomplete abstract in order to continue the submission until the deadline.
The submission system stores the information in "real time". The moment you reach the summary within the submission process and the system tells you "This submission is complete" your abstract is completed and has been received. However you will still be able to come back and make modifications until the deadline.
Please make sure you print the summary page for your records. The system also has an e-mail confirmation feature. Simply click the appropriate link on the summary page and fill in your e-mail address(es) in the appropriate box.
For support during the submission process, please send an email to workshop@ehmsg.org.
Submission Topics
1. Helicobacter
2. Microbiota
3. Cancer
Notification of Acceptance
All abstracts will be reviewed by the peer reviewers after the submission deadline. Authors will be notified on acceptance by email by the end of June 2025.